
Friday, 27 June 2014

Penny Arcade Sneaks

hello! i'm back to share some sneaks for studio calico july kits - penny arcade. as the mood board shows, this kit is filled with beautiful colors, cute elements, brush scripts and everything else that screams summer! it's such an amazing kit to work with and i think you will understand what i means when you see the kits yourself! for now, i can only show you some sneaks and hopefully that will help you tide over the next 1.5 days until reveal. 

this is a main kit only page. presenting my favourite paper this month! it totally inspired me to scrap my holiday photos which has been put aside for so so long...

this is my second main kit only page. i'm in love with clouds now. can't get enough of this cute cloud paper and the cloud die cuts designed by paige evans... i used my precision pen to outline the die cuts so that they will stand out against the background paper.

for this page i used mainly fortune teller (add on 2) with bits and pieces from the main scrapbook kit and spun sugar (add on 3)... lots of layering with the goodies here...

and here's a look at my favourite layout! i used a mix of the main scrapbook kit, skeeball (add on 1), fortune teller (add on 2), spun sugar (add on 3). love how the gelatos peep through the beautiful die cut designed by kim steward.

i hope you enjoyed my sneaks. thanks for dropping by and see you at reveal!

full reveal is on 27th at noon EST/ 11am CST for subscribers and  27th at midnight EST/ 11pm CST for non subscribers.


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